Alliance Partners

Jan and John Orndorff created the PFA when they saw a need for support in the Houston, Texas area and subsequently started the Houston area PF Support Group.  They started that group with 3 members and the group continues today, helping to ensure that so many get the support they need.

Their mission didn’t stop there.  Jan began hearing of patients being denied supplemental oxygen due to the inability to pay.  She and John embarked on the mission of providing financial assistance for those who need supplemental oxygen but are under- or uninsured.  Jan and John have helped countless people in the US and around the world who are living with PF receive the gift of breath through their program.

Jan herself, was diagnosed with PF in 2002 and with John by her side, they walked that journey for 14 years.  Since Jan’s passing in 2016, John and their family, as well as many other wonderful volunteers, have worked tirelessly keeping the PFA running smoothly, always meeting their mission.  I close with this from their website: “Because of the work of many, the Support Group and Charity continue to make the lives of some PF patients a little less isolated or their breathing a little easier.”

DISCLAIMER: The Breathe Support Network is not made up of health care professionals and is not a substitute for professional medical advice. We are pulmonary fibrosis (PF) patients and caregivers/former caregivers, helping to support others in the worldwide PF community. Information provided is from personal experience, combined with years of learning through interaction with other patients, caregivers and health care providers in the field of PF/IPF.